Teacher : Yaser

Web Design

Master of Energy Systems from Sharif University!


  • Master of Energy Engineering from Sharif University of Technology

  • Experience of teaching programming in Sharif University and private schools in Tehran

  • Programming skills:

  • Proficient in Dart programming language and Flutter framework for designing Android and iOS applications

  • Mastering the GetX mini-framework for developing mobile applications and websites

  • Proficient in building Windows Apps

  • Publishing the application in Cafe Bazaar market

  • Cafe Bazaar in-app payment

  • Publication of the application in Myket Market

  • Miket in-app payment

  • Proficient in Python programming language

  • Proficient in Django framework based on Python language in order to develop internet websites

  • Proficient in PHP programming language

  • Backend development under php language for web and mobile applications

  • Getting to know Laravel framework based on PHP language

  • Backend development using the Django framework for web and mobile applications

  • Rest API development based on Django framework and Django Rest-Framework package

  • Mysql Database - HTML / CSS / Java Script

  • Getting to know Wordpress - Getting to know Bootstrap

  • Proficient in Git for project management



Students' comments about the Web Design class